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First,  a few short videos that explain HOW we got tricked in to filing taxes every year:  How Can the Federal Income Tax be Voluntary


Revocation of Election: Key to Exit U.S. Tax Club ( 41 minutes)

(even if it may sound complicated with all of his talk of "code numbers"  - listen all the way through - you  (in general) will learn a lot and the more you learn, the better you will understand WHO you are and WHY you can be a legal non-taxpayer. Once you learn the 'real truth' (LOL) you can better relate the "code #s" and jargon he talks about.


and there are a few more videos on his YouTube channel

but his pages  website  and explains  if one takes the time to read it which can be done in one afternoon 


Anyone can use his service (to Officially prepare a Revocation Of Election)  for a fee IF they are not a public official or IF they do not operate a trade or business with the government and IF they do not live in Washington DC . 

Although anyone can also prepare their own Revocation of Election by searching for templates/samples on the web. has many samples available for free.  It IS as simple as sending in a notarized Revocation, Certified mail,  to the Commissioner and WILL be effective at time of deliver


But if one does this, they do need to educate themselves and understand WHY and How they initially volunteered (by filing the first 1040 Form which is an admission that they are volunteering to be a STATUTORY US CITIZEN rather than an American National non-resident alien) and how Jurisdiction applies,


*** I must stress that a ROE (Revocation of Election) only applies to current year and all years going forward - It does NOT relieve you of any prior years....  BECAUSE you signed a 1040 under penalties (plural) of perjury **and you know what those perjuries are?

 ... are you ready for this.... it's not what you may have mis-stated on $wages you entered on the 1040,  or failed to pay, or whatever - But they designed a "got cha" on the tax forms.  The mere fact that you signed their Tax form "under penalties of perjury"...  which is the taxpayer’s oath of office  and which  claims you are a federal official, a person under an oath of office  and you are not a government official!!! (that's perjury #1) and then in court you swear under oath that NO you are not a federal officer or employee, (which of course is one of the first things they ask you) and that "No"  contradicts the signed form in evidence  which you made under claim of oath .  Under federal statutes, courtroom perjury is committed when a person willfully makes two statements, both under oath, which contradict one another.


We've made this mistake on every tax form we've ever signed. It is a trick!


 however even prior years 'problems' can be addressed with either Rod Class's won case - . OR... the  (Houston?) TEXAS LUFTKIN CASE of 2015... NO U.S. TAX COURT HAS JURISDICTION!..  etc  


It is a learning process - a self education to understand the "words of art" legal-ease  and how we were tricked / bam-boozled into volunteering to be a 'taxpayer in perpetuity'...but more importantly how to legally "opt out"  fully understanding WHY  (ie understanding jurisdiction and non-consent, etc) 


 Most people never thought about why it is called The INTERNAL Revenue Service * ... guess they thought it meant the internal continent of the united States?? ... when actually it means Internal GOVERNMENT Services ...has nothing to do with non-government employment! 


also judge anna ( has many articles repeating over and over again (tirelessly) how and why we are NOT TAXPAYERS or STATUTORY Citizens, but are American Nationals. * it has nothing to do with the Birth Certificate or social security number which were forced on us, because  ONLY WE CAN Know and Claim our status ..'they' can presume all they want to say we are "US {statutory} CITIZENS" but they have no proof showing our consent to give up our un-A-lienable birthrights..  Anna gets a bit tiresome and strays at times, but she is correct!!


if interested for further study (But if Nesara is enacted - No need to learn stuff that will be moot!!)

The MOST informative site - though EXTREMELY INTENSE - which took me over a year to read and digest is   * I did not become a member to have to read the site

This info does not have to be studied to send in a Revocation of Election but is an education site and I am a sucker for knowledge/truth!


this is their welcome:

We are a First Amendment, not-for-profit, unincorporated, unregistered, non-privileged, non-denominational religious fellowship and ministry. Our Mission is to honor, to love, and to obey our Lord and God by teaching, reading, learning, and obeying His Holy Law and Word, putting Him first, and loving our neighbor by keeping the government as our servant and His steward for truth and justice.  As described in Heb. 4:12 and like Jesus in Rev. 1:16, we seek to use the word and law of God as a sharp sword to expose and cut off corruption wherever it is found, and ESPECIALLY in government.


if you do  visit there - click on the Forms/Pubs link and then the  ALL FORMS SINGLE PAGE link at the Top Left to get here >>:   and just scan the  PDF Titles * It is a very deep rabbit hole you can spend years reading what you thought you knew but didn't know!!!  A lot of the text is repetitive - but that is how we retain information.


such as

Why the Government Can't Lawfully Assess Human Beings With an Income Tax Liability Without Their Consent  


Why Its a Crime for a state Citizen to File 1040 Income Tax Return


Why Your Government is Either A Thief or You are a "Public Officer" for Income Tax Purposes


Why you are a "national",  "state national", and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen


and  It is a University!


Tomorrow, or this week as time allows as I am behind in so many things,  I will find and send you some text from a letter that can be referred to when replying to the IRS for any reason ...simply put, it asks them to provide proof that they have authority to estimate taxes due, (they dont) provide the date and page number of the "law" published in the Federal Register (they cant, because it does not exist), and much more that makes them shudder


bottom line is that  It IS law for those who the law applies to (as explained in the videos)

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